Greenhouse Gasses
The award of the Nobel Prize to Al Gore for his work in publicising the dangers of global warming reminds us that transport is a significant and growing producer of greenhouse gases, and also health threatening pollution. In the UK whilst about 2000 people a year are killed in transport crashes, about 60,000 die as a result of diseases caused by transport pollution. This excludes those who die prematurely by being unfit through constant driving. Moderate exercise by using public transport for part of a journey improves fitness and raises health levels, TRAM Power Ltd. aims to maximise the attraction of car trip to new rail systems, so that more people get some exercise and reduce traffic and pollution levels.
Capturing Car Trips
Evidence from Europe and North America shows that car drivers will switch some trips to rail transport. Whilst there used to be extensive rail networks, many of the surviving lines are in the wrong place to satisfy new travel patterns, that have emerged in the last 50 years. The private car allows people to live further from their work, shops, schools etc. In the UK just 1% of trips are made by rail, and 70% of those are London based. If more car trips are to be attracted to rail, then new rail lines are needed. TRAM Power Ltd. is concentrating on the technology for making urban rail lines affordable, since nearly 90% of Europeans live in towns and cities. There is an equally strong case for new interurban lines, where trips can be attracted both from cars and airplanes. In both cases the key to attracting the maximum number of car trips is fast and frequent services, accessible via convenient Park and Ride Stations.